Release Blitz: Greetings from Sugartown by Carmen Jenner

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Greetings from Sugartown

Sugartown #3

by Carmen Jenner

A New Adult Contemporary Romance



Life in Sugartown hasn’t always been easy, not for an ex-con like Elijah, and certainly not for Ana, who grew up desperate for a way out.

Meeting Elijah changed all that; Elijah changed a lot of things.

You’d think that after three years together and the worst behind them that life would be a walk in the park, but Sugartown’s sexiest couple may be about to face their biggest obstacles yet. Between failed marriage proposals, a trampy ex-lover and a tempting new biker, Sugartown is suddenly not so sweet.

They’re head-over-heels in love. It should be simple—but it rarely is.

Will they make it down the aisle to the happy ever after they deserve? Or are some relationships just destined to fail?

Intended for an 18+ audience. Contains explicit sex, violence, a crap-ton of profanity, and naked encounters with disastrous outcomes.

I love your goodness

Sugartown series  


Amazon US | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo


Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown, #1)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AUS | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords 

Enjoy Your Stay (Sugartown, #2)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AUS | B&N | Kobo
need her to stay


“Hurry up, baby girl. Or I’m gonna start counting, and when I get to one, if you’re not completely naked, soaking wet and spread before me on the couch, I’m going to ruin another one of your pretty lingerie sets.”

One perfect blonde brow arches in challenge. Ana’s arms drop from the clasp of her bra, and she slowly peels the lace away. It falls to the floor with a whisper. I clench my jaw and inhale sharply through my nose. “Five … four …”

She stands defiantly before me, wearing just a pair of lacy knickers, unhurried. I take a step towards her. “Three … two …”

I don’t even make it to one before she launches herself at me. Maybe we both lunge at each other. Who the fuck cares? All I know is Ana’s in my arms, thighs wrapped around my hips, her wet, lace-covered pussy pressed against my hard stomach, and our mouths are devouring one another.

rest days



Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent. She’s also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living. While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn’t have an Elijah Cade, though. If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.


Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Welcome to Sugartown Website

what the hell


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